About Us

We are new not for profit company “Rathcoole Old Courthouse Community Facility CLG”.
Set up to operate and manage the Building which we will be leased from SDCC under formal lease agreement.
SDCC will retain responsibility for the Building structure, maintaining  compliance with requirement for public building and insurance of the building structure.

Structure of new Company:
7 Directors 
2 Directors are SDCC Representatives
2 Directors are Rathcoole Community Council Representatives
3 Independent Directors

The Old Courthouse

Board Members

Alan FairmanChairpersonIndependent alan.fairman@rathcoolecommu
Christy McDonnellTreasurerRathccole Community Councilchristy.mcdonnell@rathcoolecommunity.ie
Marie SmythSecretaryRathccole Community Councilmarie.smyth@rathcoolecommunity.ie
Jade McCormackDirectorIndependentmccormack_jade@ymail.com
Paul McAlerneyDirectorSouth Dublin Co Councilpmcalerney@sdublincoco.ie
Amy HughesDirectorSouth Dublin Co Councilamyhughes@sdublincoco.ie
Sally GraverDirectorIndependentsryangraver@gmail.com

Constitution Of Rathcoole Old Courthouse Community Facility Company Limited by Guarantee.

1. Name

The Name of the Company is Rathcoole Old Courthouse Community Facility
Company Limited by Guarantee.

2. Company type

The Company is a company limited by guarantee, registered under Part 18 of
the Companies Act 2014.

3. The Main Objective of Company shall be:

To operate, maintain and manage the Rathcoole Old Courthouse Building and site,
located on Main Street, Rathcoole, under a lease agreement from South Dublin County
Council, for the interest and to the benefit of all the local community living in the
Rathcoole Village and surrounding areas. The company shall be non—political, non-
sectarian, and will not discriminate on grounds of religion, gender, or race.

4. Subsidiary Objectives…